Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1819-7671 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1948 (Online)



В современном обществе цель обогащения часто занимает бо-
лее приоритетную позицию, чем духовные ценности. Ярким при-
мером утверждения подобного отношения к жизни является цикл 
публикаций и деловых обучающих игр американского финанси-
ста Р. Киосаки, переведённых на русский язык и завоёвывающих 
свою аудиторию. Авторы статьи, опираясь на сюжетно-игровую 
парадигму, исследуют философские положения и практические 
рекомендации Р. Киосаки. Показано, как через высокий профес-


В статье ставится вопрос о смене субъектов социальной памяти в условиях кризиса на-
ционально-государственного типа памяти и активизации процессов глобализации. Рас-
сматривается научная ретроспектива постановки вопроса о субъекте социальной памяти, 
анализируются существующие точки зрения и используемые аргументы. В условиях гло-
бализации государства перестают обладать монополией на выражение представлений о 
прошлом, поэтому возникает потребность в поиске новых субъектов. Автор анализирует 


Предметом  статьи  являются  взгляды  русского  космиста 
В. И. Вернадского на биосферу, ноосферу и месту в них челове-
ка. Рассматриваются отличия биосферы и ноосферы и переход 
биосферы в ноосферу, концепция «живого» вещества как осно-
ва биосферы, превращение человека в геологическую (планет-
ную) силу, становление и разрушение техносферы, приводятся 
перечень  и  перспективы  разрешения  комплекса  глобальных 
проблем.  Все  идеи  русского  космиста  В.  И.  Вернадского  до-

The Conflict and the Order in Civilization Structures

The author analyzes the conflicts of civilizations in this article. The Author considers the reasons of these conflicts that are created value.
The value of one civilization disagrees with the value of other civilizations. At the end of article he draws a conclusion. The problem
of civilization’s conflicts has to be studied together with modern global problems and problems of modernizations. 

The Highest Values in Strategies of Civilization Development

This article is devoted to analysis of descriptions and contradictions of humanism. It is emphasis, that the formation and the degeneracy of humanism is a main cause of crisis the modern European consciousness. In proclamation the orientation to the human being, the different directions of humanism are rejecting the objectivity of highest values and went over to the position of nihilism.

Socium and its Interpretation Practices

The article investigates the place and role of interpretation when defining a subjects being in a socium. In fact, the article generates the general notion about the specific character of interpretation in the process of constituting the purpose of social institutions.

Conceptual Grounds of the Human Destructive Activity in Tradition of the Social-Psychological Approach: Social-Philosophical Analysis

The article is devoted to the analysis of the social and philosophical grounds of the destructive human activity. The brief characteristic of various concepts on the given problem which can be divided into two directions conditionally are also given. On the one hand the nature of destruction is examined as a biological predisposition, and on the other hand ? as socially determined.

Culture as a Methodological Innovation in the Context of Philosophical Reflection

The article is devoted to the conceptualization of the phenomenon of culture. We set the task. There are the analysis of culture as a philosophical phenomenon firstly, the comprehension of culture from the point of view of methodological innovation in the context of philosophical reflection secondly in this task. We were concluded that the culture is not sufficiently integrated into philosophical discourse at the present time on the basis of the analysis.

Culture, Civilization, Religion in the Modern World

The article is devoted to the conceptualization of the phenomena of culture and civilization, as well as the role of religion in the modern world. The task includes, firstly, the analysis of these phenomena in the framework of the socio-philosophical dimension and secondly, understanding of religion as the center of civilizational ideology, which is expressed in the Judeo-Christian values in the West and the ethics of Islam in the East.

Сivilization Approach: Historical and Philosophical Analysis of the Methodological Resource

The article is devoted to the analysis of the methodological resource of the civilization approach at the modern stage of the historical process. Taking into account the categorical development of the concept of civilization, the author focuses on two groups of socio-cultural characteristics: unique and universal. The unique characteristic reflects the distinctive, special and original features of a certain historical type of society that is being studied in social and cultural aspects.
