Izvestiya of Saratov University.

Philosophy. Psychology. Pedagogy

ISSN 1819-7671 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1948 (Online)

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Spiritual Potential of Artistic Creation: Sociocultural Risks

Lukyanenko Konstantin Alexandrovich, Saratov State University

In the article briefly lighted up and analyzed some aspects of development
of artistic creation, depending on the spiritual state of
artist. The author contends that any work of art captures a spiritual
state of the artist at the time of its creation. Basically, any creation
captures and reflects not only the spiritual state of «creator» during
the creation of work of art, but his spiritual intentionality. Therefore,
there is always a kind of spiritual seal on the result of creation. The
spiritual seal conveys not just the emotional component of the moment
of inspiration, but also reflects the «look» of the artist, where
his spiritual eyes are directed. Ups and downs in the life of any artist
are a kind of «spiritual barometer». It was shown that an artist aspiring
to conduct spiritually healthy way of life mainly creates a sacred
art. And, vice versa. Artist leading an immoral life, who doesn’t think
about his spiritual purity, generates a sensual art, which in its extreme
development is infernal. It was shown how the works of art influence
on the spiritual being of man, and what risks artistic creativity hides
in itself for the entire socio-cultural space.


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