Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1819-7671 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1948 (Online)


The social philosophy of German romanticism

Introducton. The article is devoted to the analysis of German Romanticism through a social philosophical examination of its origin, features and methodological foundations in the historical and cultural context. Theoretical analysis. It is proposed to consider the analysis and methodology of German Romanticism using the philosophical method of genealogy. The genealogical procedure is heterogeneous in its essence, since it involves the identification of the duality of the beginning, the source of sociality.

Spiritual Potential of Artistic Creation: Sociocultural Risks

In the article briefly lighted up and analyzed some aspects of development
of artistic creation, depending on the spiritual state of
artist. The author contends that any work of art captures a spiritual
state of the artist at the time of its creation. Basically, any creation
captures and reflects not only the spiritual state of «creator» during
the creation of work of art, but his spiritual intentionality. Therefore,
there is always a kind of spiritual seal on the result of creation. The

Philosophy of Language of Hans-Georg Gadamer and the Experience of Interpreting Works of Art

The article is devoted to the historical-philosophical reconstruction of the subject on the correlation of the philosophical component of the hermeneutic understanding of language as experience the world of artistic representation in art The concept of the experience represented in art, and experience of understanding the truth reveal the essence of philosophical knowledge, surpassing the limits and boundaries of scientific knowledge.

The Justification of Absence in Aesthetics: Hegel and Anaximander

In this article the author to take note of the project of possible alternative aesthetics. With the aid of Hegels works (category of essence) and some Anaximanders fragments construct unique ontological location of the work of art, that distinguish the work of art from other sort being. Only the work of art be able pretend to ontological selfdependence, the other sort of being existence follows indication to each other.