Phenomenological Comprehension of Philosophy of Life
In the paper an attempt is taken to comprehend a man’s world through philosophical method of phenomenology. It’s about the unity of phenomenology and philosophy of life in their ontological meaning. This approach helps search for a man’s place in the world, it helps comprehend life processes, and define values and landmarks. E. Husserl’s conception of «the vital world» is considered to become a true standard to follow. It is disclosed through the contraposition with «the world of science». This is a vital world, which is given to us directly, the one that we observe, see, hear. Trial is seen as a result of the activity and awareness interaction. Phenomenological clarification of the historical comprehension of the vital world takes place. Understood as the universal horizon, the vital world is apprehended not from the point of view of verity or falsity of our judgments, but as familiar examples of our experience. It is a habitual horizon of the expectations of the cultural heritage history. The author argues that likeness between phenomenology and philosophy of life is based not on the contraposition of theory and practice, but on the unity of logical matter, historical matter and existential human experience. As a final stage of vital processes’ verification stands realization, that is their including in our system of values and trials
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