Izvestiya of Saratov University.

Philosophy. Psychology. Pedagogy

ISSN 1819-7671 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1948 (Online)

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Methods of Managerial Team Sotering: Soteriogical Game «The Way of Hero» (Case Analysis)

Aksenovskaya Liudmila N., Saratov State University

This article presents experience of design, arrange and discussion of the soteriogical game «Way of Hero» as an element of the order training. The soteriogical game is one of the methods that is included into the order technology of organizational culture change. This case demonstrates potential for use of this method for diagnostics and change of ethic and semantic system of management team. The purposes and problems of the training and game, methodological aspects of the game (Jungian understanding of functions of a heroic complex), methodical aspects of the game (purpose, structure and main roles) are analyzed in details, the description of the game course and discussion of the main results are given. The article shows that the game helps to find mismatch between the stated ethical values of team and personality and ethical values that regulate real behavior of managerial staff. The key ethical problem revealed by means of this game method is the problem of mismatch between the purpose and methods of professional activity: for achievement of «right» (ethic) purposes «wrong» (unethical) ways are sometimes used. Team members find the causes of such mismatch in limitation of time within the process of managerial decision-making that does not allow to think over all upcoming consequences and, thus, reduces quality of decisions. In conclusion, it is drawn that this soteriogical game is an adequate way for research and change of ethic and semantic system of organizational culture at the level of management team.


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