Izvestiya of Saratov University.

Philosophy. Psychology. Pedagogy

ISSN 1819-7671 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1948 (Online)

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Value Factors of Readiness to Change in Duty Status in Military Personnel at Different Stages of Army Socialization


The article presents the relevance of the study of the value determination of military personnel readiness to change in duty status. 226 men which divided into 4 subsamples: the average age of which was 18,1 ± 0,4 (freshmen), 20,1 ± 0,51 (third year), 21,9 ± 0,9 (final course) , 34,1 ± 5,3 (active officers) involved in the study. The portrait questionnaire of Schwartz values, the method «Personality readiness for change», original scales of readiness to change the service situation of military men are used. It was established that the notion content of change-readiness is characterized by attitudes toward perseverance, coping with difficulties, accepting new situation. Three main types of readiness were identified as a result of factor analysis: “willingness to change the duty area and interaction with new stuff”, “readiness to overcome difficulties in achieving personal goals and interests”, “readiness to deterioration of living conditions and parting with the family”. We carried out the study of value predictors of readiness to change in duty status in military personnel at different stages of professional socialization. The article demonstrates that by the end of the course of study the value predication of readiness to change in duty status intensifies significantly and remains in acting officers. Values of stimulation, rule conformism and independence of thought are considered to be sustainable important values which determine change-readiness. 


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