Order Diagnostics of Organizitional Culture: Level of Managerial Team
The article introduces a new method for order diagnosis of organizational culture at the level of the management team. The method allows to assess the state of the organization’s management system as an integral part of the organizational and cultural system. The method is based on the management system model developed by O. S. Vikhansky and AI. Naumov. The model identifies three subsystems that are diagnosed using questionnaires in the selfassessment mode by members of the management team. This is a structural-functional, information-behavioral subsystem and subsystem of self-development of the management system. The structural and functional subsystem of the management system includes a description of the structure of the organization, the functions of structural units, a description of the work processes and the relevant regulatory documentation. The information-behavioral subsystem of the management system includes management models, a description of the organization’s communications and other components. The self-development subsystem of the management system includes management personnel and programs for its development. A case is presented showing the way in which the method and the procedure for calculating the results are applied.
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