Izvestiya of Saratov University.

Philosophy. Psychology. Pedagogy

ISSN 1819-7671 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1948 (Online)

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The Values of the Posthuman Future: the Problem of Choice

Kraynov Andrey Leonidovich, Saratov State Agrarian University

The article is devoted to the analysis of the postmodern philosophical reflection of the problem of posthumanity, in the aspect of analyzing the interrelation between the development of robotics and the increase in tendencies to asexuality. The philosophy of postmodernism, the world view of transhumanism and the philosophical views of cyberfeminism contributed to the formation and development of a new posthumanistic value system, replacing man with some kind of asexual monster, combining a mixture of man, animal and machine. The ideal of philosophical posthumanism is the triumph of a posthuman, who combines many disguises in his body, who is dissolved in the Internet, being partly a cyborg, who is able to change his gender at will or does not have it at all. On the one hand, the values of posthumanism are actualized in the form of human depersonalization in the Internet and its merging with a machine-computer/smartphone, on the other, in the creation of humanoid robots-androids possessing the germs of artificial intelligence entering into intimate and legal relations with man. Thus, human society gradually ceases to be traditional, accepting into its value system new post-values, flirting thus not so much with its own hard-to-see immortality as with the clearly marked finiteness of its being.


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