Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1819-7671 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1948 (Online)


Industry 5.0 as a triumph of posthumanism: From Homo Sapiens to Homo Digitalis

Introduction. The article is devoted to the problem of transformation of a man into a post-human due to the emergence of the fifth industrial revolution. The digitalization processes inherent in industry 4.0 have become so firmly entrenched in human everyday life that they change it from the inside. Interaction with artificial intelligence and cobots creates a post-human future, and implantation of a chip in the brain creates a post-human. Theoretical analysis.

Transhumanism as the Ideology of a New Social Order

This article analyzes the impact of the information society values on the formation of a new social order. A new social order is focused on transhumanist ideals and pursues the goal of creating posthumanity. Cybernetic immortality, not a natural continuation of the species, is the main purpose of the information society. There is a new system of social values, based on the ownership of the means and information channels. All of the above changes, in turn, lead to the formation of new social order, in which simulation turns into real life.

The Values of the Posthuman Future: the Problem of Choice

The article is devoted to the analysis of the postmodern philosophical reflection of the problem of posthumanity, in the aspect of analyzing the interrelation between the development of robotics and the increase in tendencies to asexuality. The philosophy of postmodernism, the world view of transhumanism and the philosophical views of cyberfeminism contributed to the formation and development of a new posthumanistic value system, replacing man with some kind of asexual monster, combining a mixture of man, animal and machine.

Posthumanism and the problem of immortality: Socio-philosophical analysis

The article is devoted to the analysis of the problem of immortality in the context of the philosophy of posthumanism. The problem of immortality has always worried humanity. In fairy tales and myths, religious systems and scientific research, it occupies a central place, which relates to the natural desire of a person to live forever. In the philosophy of posthumanism, this problem acquires new meanings, moving from a purely speculative metaphysical field to the sphere of practice.

From humanism to post-humanism: Transformation of ideas of a man in philosophical thought

Introduction. The article is devoted to the analysis of ideas about a human in modern philosophical movements of transhumanism and posthumanism. Once the highest value and the king of nature, the man-creator and the ruler of the world has turned into a many-sided and sexless creature that has lost passionarity and claims to leadership. Theoretical analysis.

Transhumanism and bioethics about human ecology: The limits of what is permitted

Introduction. The article is devoted to the issues of human ecology, the choice of the optimal way for the interaction between science and the human body and consciousness. Transhumanism and bioethics have different views on solving this problem. Theoretical analysis. Developing NBIC-technologies set as their task the global transformation of a person. The idea of creating people-cyborgs and digital copies of human consciousness is considered.