Izvestiya of Saratov University.

Philosophy. Psychology. Pedagogy

ISSN 1819-7671 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1948 (Online)

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Philosophy as a Way to Yourself

Astashova Nadezhda Dmitrievna, Nizhny Novgorod State University. NI Lobachevsky

The article is devoted to the analysis of the problem of philosophical thinking for the modern worldview of man. The reasoning is based on the consideration of philosophy as a form of spiritual culture along with science, art and religion. The article deals with the problem of the relevance of philosophical knowledge for the present. The aim is to determine the role and place of philosophy in the system of interaction between the individual and society. Our contemporary finds himself in a world where his existence without alternative submits to the power of stringent social, cultural, technological systems, where he increasingly can not find a place for himself. Without trying to comprehend, to understand the meaning of existence, life loses its meaning for man. Philosophizing by a clear construction of consciousness overcomes the routine, flat perception of the world, it directs a person to be himself, pushes him into independent reflections, helps him to resist various external influences, to understand and preserve his individuality. Reasoning about various forms of interaction between man and philosophical knowledge in the modern world leads the author to the conclusion that it is expedient to speak about philosophy as a form of spiritual culture, super-natural existence of man from the perspective of critical attitude to reality, search for truth, understanding of man himself and his place in the world. Philosophy gives the individual a clear coordinate system, on the basis of which he becomes able to develop his own, fundamentally new thinking, capable of resisting the information pressure of modern social systems. Philosophy becomes a powerful and creative force, that forms not only the individual worldview of man, but also able to influence the further progress of society.


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