Izvestiya of Saratov University.

Philosophy. Psychology. Pedagogy

ISSN 1819-7671 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1948 (Online)

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Study of Work Motivation in Medical Workers

Panchuk Yekaterina Yurievna, Angarsk State Technical University

The article discusses the results of the survey of doctors and nurses conducted by the author in order to study the influence of psychological factors on work motivation, as well as the structure of work motives of medical personnel. The study was conducted in hospitals and clinics of cities of the Irkutsk region, 26 doctors and 34 nurses participated in the survey. In addition, 12 physicians from Greensboro, North Carolina, USA participated in the survey. As a result of the study, it was established that doctors in Russia have a predominance of internal and external positive motivation. For them, wages and promotions, the desire to avoid criticism and possible punishments or troubles are of great importance. Doctors working in the USA have a more favorable motivational complex than doctors in Russia. At the same time, wages play a significant role com pared to the desire to be promoted, and the importance of criticism, punishment and other troubles tends to zero. Nurses have an unfavorable motivational complex, when external negative motivation plays an equivalent role to internal motivation. The leading psychological factor affecting the motivation of the labor of medical workers, in most cases, is their awareness of the social significance of the work performed. The internal motivation of medical workers is reduced when the controlling aspect of leadership prevails over the informational one. The more qualified the job is, the less it falls to regulation or yields to external stimulation methods.


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