Izvestiya of Saratov University.

Philosophy. Psychology. Pedagogy

ISSN 1819-7671 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1948 (Online)

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The Problem of Future Teachers' Readiness to Use Health Preserving Technologies

Timushkin Aleksander Vladimirovich, Balashov Institute (branch) of the Saratov State University
Popov Andrey Vladimirovich, Balashov Institute (branch) of the Saratov State University
Talagaeva Yulia Aleksandrovna, Balashov Institute (branch) of the Saratov State University

The paper deals with the problem of developing in students of pedagogical universities readiness to improve schoolchildren’s health by means of physical culture. It is emphasized that deterioration in the health of the younger generation is a pressing issue nowadays. As “school risk factors” have strong negative influence on the health of schoolchildren, health preserving activity must become a responsibility of every teacher. The study is aimed at revealing readiness of teachers to use health preserving technologies during their lessons. The analysis of their extracurricular activity plans and questionnaire results allowed to define that most of the teachers do not consider the work on improving health of their pupils by means of physical culture a top-priority activity. A curricula analysis of pedagogical educational programs has led us to the conclusion that there are not enough university courses leading to the development of future teachers' readiness to work on preserving health of schoolchildren. A program for the Physical Culture course, that contains both theoretical-methodological and organizational components has been written. It is aimed at developing the students’ readiness to work on improving health of schoolchildren in the educational process.


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