Izvestiya of Saratov University.

Philosophy. Psychology. Pedagogy

ISSN 1819-7671 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1948 (Online)

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The Ontological Foundations of the Institutional Person

Artyomov Vladimir Nikolaevich, Balashov Institute (branch) of the Saratov State University

While connecting social philosophy with ontology the ontological foundations of the institutional person are opening new unexplored strata of the creation thus greatly broadening the horizons of a scientific research. Using the rational synthesis of religious and scientific world outlook, "mechanical" principles of self-organization of a material world are supplemented by consciousness the forms of which are intrinsic not only to a person. The problem of the ontological foundations of the institutional person defines the purpose of the present paper which is to show the possibility of the latent interconnection of social philosophy with ontology half opening the curtains over the formation of life. Being logically embedded in the modern concept of the institutional person the rational synthesis of scientific and religious worldview orients philosophy to the role of a peculiar denominator allowing to make the supernatural equal to the natural, the heavenly to the earthly. Disclosing the sense of the modular nature of a human being, solving a set of worldview problems such an approach reveals the essence of consciousness. Philosophers have a scientifically grounded possibility to pose questions about the existence of not only the God, but also the anthropic civilizations in the system of the universe. Disclosing life’s meanings of culture, traditions, a person and society in the present work, forming the objective substantiations for establishing a universal theory of being, and supposing the creation of the universe being the possibility of returning the figure of the God to the system of scientific world outlook, in which a person is not a chance, the questions of the existence of anthropomorphical civilizations to which the Russian world and Russia belong are raised.


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