Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1819-7671 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1948 (Online)


How ideologists define ideology: A. G. Dugin

Introduction. Ideology as a category of political philosophy in a digital society cannot be defined neutrally and autonomously from the activities of its defining subject. Theoretical analysis. Using the example of a specific system of views, the authors show the inevitability of the ideological character and the ideological bias of the concept of ideology. Considering A. G.

Imagination as a meta-subject in the methodology of a thought experiment

Introduction. The paper claims that each thought experiment, despite of its particular subject, reveals the general principles of the work of the imagination – these are elements of the transcendental scheme, which I. Kant controversially defines as pure representation, that is both intellectual and sensory. In this sense, imagination is the meta-subject of a thought experiment. Theoretical analysis. With the help of thought experiments operating marginal subjects, the necessary synthesis schemes related to fundamental concepts are clarified.

Time in Culture Philosophy: Methodology Problems

In article the analysis of studying of a category time in a context of the philosophical analysis of culture is made. Methodological possibilities of studying of concept "culture time" are designated.

The Questions of Methodology Maintenance of Juridical Psychology Expert Research

The methodology aspect of psychology juridical expert research is considered in the article and ways of solving the problems wich are connected with making of such expert research methodic on the base of general scientific methodology principles are also discussed. The determinant means of principles of systematic and individualization are demonstrated. The system of criterias of scientific justifiability of making juridical psychology expert judgments is formulated.

Methodology of Designing of Social Memory in Russian Philosophical Tradition

In article works of little-known Russian philosophers of the beginning of XX century I. M. Grevs and N. P. Antsiferov, devoted to a problem of designing of social memory by means of excursion an expert are considered. The author considers methodological preconditions of the similar relation to the past and reveals potential of use of constructivist methodology for the decision of pressing questions of social philosophy.

Struve in Emigration about History and Historical Knowledge

Article is devoted philosophy of history of Peter Struve. Ideas of the Russian thinker are analyzed in a context of philosophy of Russian abroad. Problems of the philosophical bases of history and a historical science are analyzed. Publicistic («The Diary Of The Politician» 1925?1935) and philosophical works of Struve in emigration аre considered. 

Conceptual Dialectical Thinking of Students: Methodological Analysis

The article offers a methodological analysis of the formation of students' conceptual dialectical thinking. The research is organized in the context of students' professional activity as leading and determining in the formation and development of the future specialist. In determining the essence of conceptual dialectical thinking, the authors have been guided by the general psychological understanding of thinking as a process of analysis through synthesis and the movement from essence to phenomenon, from universal to singularity.

The Ontological Foundations of the Institutional Person

While connecting social philosophy with ontology the ontological foundations of the institutional person are opening new unexplored strata of the creation thus greatly broadening the horizons of a scientific research. Using the rational synthesis of religious and scientific world outlook, "mechanical" principles of self-organization of a material world are supplemented by consciousness the forms of which are intrinsic not only to a person.

Scientific and Technical Rationality: Horizons of Interaction

The article develops the author’s concept of relations between communication and isolation in the structure of the totality of technology and science, the ratio of rational to normative scientific, cognitive and technical structures. The focus is on the nature of ideals and norms of scientific and technical research, the types of scientific and technical rationality, their interdependence, and their role in cognition.

Justice Measurement in Organization: Psychometric Characteristics of the Procedural Justice Scale of the Organizational Justice Scale Developed by J. Colquitt

The author analyzes the concept of organizational justice and describes different approaches to the justice measurement. The author analyzes the impact of the procedural justice as a factor which results in high work motivation and productivity, constructive attitudes to work and prevention of job insecurity perception. The psychological content of justice in the organization as a unidimensional and multidimensional construct is discussed.
