Izvestiya of Saratov University.

Philosophy. Psychology. Pedagogy

ISSN 1819-7671 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1948 (Online)

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Justice Measurement in Organization: Psychometric Characteristics of the Procedural Justice Scale of the Organizational Justice Scale Developed by J. Colquitt

Smirnova Anna Yurievna, Saratov State University

The author analyzes the concept of organizational justice and describes different approaches to the justice measurement. The author analyzes the impact of the procedural justice as a factor which results in high work motivation and productivity, constructive attitudes to work and prevention of job insecurity perception. The psychological content of justice in the organization as a unidimensional and multidimensional construct is discussed. The empirical study presents the results of validation of the subscale of “Procedural justice” (The Organizational Justice Scale, J. A. Colquitt). The empirical sample of the study included industry workers (297 male and 168 female). It was found out that male employees and female employees assessed procedural justice in the organization in the same way. This result, in addition, confirms the absence of the gender discrimination of Russian employees. The article reveals the links between the accuracy of the information on which the organizational procedures are based and the impartiality of these procedures (r = 0.614, p = 0.001). The impartiality of organizational procedures is related to its ability to maintain ethical and moral standards in the organization (r = 0.546, p = 0.001). The accuracy of the information on which the organizational procedures are based is related to the sequence of their application (r = 0.515, p = 0.001). The results allowed to reveal the psychological content of the organizational justice – information accuracy, impartiality, ethics, consistency, as well as taking into account the opinion (openness to feedback) of the employee. The article emphasizes the importance of accuracy of information on which organizational procedures are based and management decisions are made to assess organizational fairness. 

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