Izvestiya of Saratov University.

Philosophy. Psychology. Pedagogy

ISSN 1819-7671 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1948 (Online)

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Philosophical Background of Successful Patriotic Education

Chikaeva Tаtiana A., Moscow Institute of Art and Industry

The article discusses the philosophical background of successful patriotic education, which is fundamental, not related to the sociocultural situation. The relevance of the issue arises from the need to formulate methodology for patriotic education, which optimizes efforts for developing and implementing specific programs of patriotic education. It is also necessary at a fundamental level to resolve the dispute between supporters and opponents of the objectivity and a positive role of patriotic education for society and the individual. Based on the analysis of scientific and philosophical concepts, it was established that the basis for the emergence of the dispute is the incorrect definition of the object of patriotism. In fact, the Motherland as such is not considered, only its images, therefore something different is meant by patriotic education. Based on the author’s definition of the Motherland and understanding of its connection with its images, the author, using the methodology developed by G. D. Gachev, formulates the following conclusions. Patriotism is a love of the Motherland, which is a spiritual substance. The aim of patriotic education is to teach a person to distinguish qualities reflecting the essence of the Motherland in its image, and what is brought in by a social object. The main resource for solving this problem should be knowledge. 

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