Izvestiya of Saratov University.

Philosophy. Psychology. Pedagogy

ISSN 1819-7671 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1948 (Online)

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Impact of Media Information on Consciousness and Behaviour of Younger School Students in the Context of Judicial and Psychological Examination

Belkin Anton I., Samara State University of Social Sciences and Education

The article is devoted to the analysis of media impact on behavior and consciousness of younger school students. On the one hand, the problem calls for the need of research of the character of media impact on consciousness and behavior of younger school students, and, on the other hand, this issue has been studied insufficiently so far. The objective includes the following steps: in the first place, to indicate the main characteristics of media information, its significance for consciousness, behavior and training of younger school children; secondly, to determine the character of influence of media information in the conditions of the overwhelming sign environment of information society; thirdly, to specify the importance of media information as information channel for such areas of knowledge as pedagogy and judicial and psychological examination. The analysis reveals that perception of modern younger school students is formed on the basis of strong media influence which can build up superficial character of thinking. The gap between school and media training is justified. The author concludes that understanding of specifics of media influence requires the need of development of the pedagogical programs that take into account features of individual mediation of media information and develop the ability to productive work in the media environment. In addition, this situation justifies consideration of individual mediation of media influence by the subjects - younger school students -in the field of judicial and psychological examination, which will add to complete characteristic of the personality and will allow to diagnose the traits of character connected with features of individual perception, assessment and processing of the information that develop the ability to productive work in the media environment. 

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