Izvestiya of Saratov University.

Philosophy. Psychology. Pedagogy

ISSN 1819-7671 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1948 (Online)

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Supporting Innovative Activities of College Teachers

Varzanova Maria A., Rybinsk polygraphic College

The article substantiates the urgency of supporting innovative activities development by secondary vocational education workers. The study is aimed at finding the causes of difficulties and justifying the support of innovative activities of teachers. Its purpose is also to determine the conditions and stages, and to identify the means of support. The scientific novelty of the article lies in the fact that a complex of organizational and pedagogical conditions that provide support for innovative activities is highlighted. It also includes diagnostics of innovative activities development level, motivational support, differentiated and individualized training of teachers, and organization of teachers' joint innovation activities. Based on domestic research, the stages of teachers support are identified. They include preparatory, motivational, self-diagnostic, goal-setting, and planning. Self-realization and intensification of teachers practical activities, independent innovation and a reflective-analytical stage are also emphasized. The means of accompaniment at each stage are listed: direct participation in innovation, research, implementation of innovative projects, contextual training, methodological and psychological support, introspection, and reflection. The author describes the results of diagnostics of teachers in relation to innovations, carried out using a set of techniques aimed at identifying individual characteristics of the perception of innovations. The most numerous groups are distinguished: teachers with a negative attitude, teachers who are neutral in relation to innovations, and teachers with a positive attitude; ready to implement innovations and teachers who are at a creative level.


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