Izvestiya of Saratov University.

Philosophy. Psychology. Pedagogy

ISSN 1819-7671 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1948 (Online)

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The gap of ties in representations of interaction I – Other as a predictor of extremist behavior

Ryaguzova Elena Vladimirovna, Saratov State University

The article presents the results of theoretical reflection of various psychological mechanisms (automating conformism, deindividualization, depersonalization), the essence of which boils down to the loss of a person’s own self as a key reference point in the construction and cognition of the social world. It is shown that the personal I is supplanted by the hypertrophied We as an attributive property of group consciousness, which is based on the idea of being chosen and superior. It is argued that the functioning of the listed mechanisms leads to the gap of connections in personal representations of I – Other interaction as the fundamental basis of sociality, increasing the risks of actualizing the extremist behavior of the individual. It has been established that the breaking of ties is due to the personality’s lack of need and desire to distinguish between oneself and the Other, the loss of the ability to feel the Other and empathize with him, which actualizes indifference to the in-group Other, disgust and cruelty towards the outgroup Other, and also leads to a reduction in the ability to know oneself through the Other, to enter into a dialogue with him and to amplify one’s own development and self-knowledge. The applied aspect of the problem under study is the possibility of using the results of the analysis for the development of preventive socio-psychological programs and trainings aimed at preventing extremism, terrorism and religious radicalism in the youth environment.

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