Izvestiya of Saratov University.

Philosophy. Psychology. Pedagogy

ISSN 1819-7671 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1948 (Online)

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Transformation of education: Possible perspectives

Okhlupina Olga Valentinovna, Bryansk State University of Engineering and Technology

In the light of the growing technological revolution, the question of the viability of traditional education has become more acute. They try to persuade the proponents of digital transformation that it is inefficient in the new conditions. Schools and universities are intimidated by the generation Z which is "non-compliant" with standard approaches. They spend most of their free time online, have a clip way of thinking and are unable to concentrate their attention on something for a long time. Opponents of digitalization try to protect teenagers from unlimited use of gadgets. Issues about reasonable use of digital devices which do not harm their health are widely discussed. But in the spring of 2020, there arose such a situation that the harm from using gadgets by teenagers could not be compared to the possibility of the learning process breakdown. Educational institutions are urgently switched to distance learning. The transition revealed many problems, some of which were being solved in the course of the working process. It becomes obvious that distance learning cannot be used as the only possible format of work. The future of education depends on many factors. Will it remain universal with the quality mark of traditional education, or will it undergo a radical transformation? The purpose of this article is to find out whether the new generation of young people is so different that all the approaches of the traditional education system are smashed against its “armor”. Or, under the banner of the generation Z, the idea of a radical transition to a completely new education is being promoted.

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