Izvestiya of Saratov University.

Philosophy. Psychology. Pedagogy

ISSN 1819-7671 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1948 (Online)

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Function and Dysfunction of Difficulties Communicating in the Early Stages of Ontogeny

Samohvalova A. G., Kostroma State University

The subject of this research is the difficulty in communicating child. The purpose of the study is identification of the functional nature of difficulties of communication. This paper presents the author’s definition of difficulty communicating, reveals its subjective and objective criteria, and reflects the role of communication difficulties in the personal development of child. The material is based on the experimental study of hindered communication preschool, elementary school, adolescence; as well as a retrospective self-report of young people, who have analyzed the role of difficulty of communication in personal development. Functional analysis allowed to identify the function of difficulty of communication: psychological defense, self-actualization, self-assertion, self-understanding, social hardening, expressive, a function of the dynamics of interpersonal relationships; and dysfunction – maladjustment, disinformation, destabilization, demobilization, deindividualization, diffusion identity of the subject of communication, distancing, disruption of interpersonal relationships, formalizing communication. The results show the functional contradiction and dynamic situation of child hindered communication. 

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