Izvestiya of Saratov University.

Philosophy. Psychology. Pedagogy

ISSN 1819-7671 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1948 (Online)

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Youth perceptions and attitudes about artifi cial intelligence

Yasin Miroslav I., Russian Economic University named after GV Plekhanov, Moscow.

Introduction. The development of information technology (IT) and artifi cial intelligence (AI) are signifi cantly changing the modern world, which raises the question of the impact of these technologies on humankind. Theoretical analysis. Research on human-IT interaction is most often determined in terms of benefi ts for education, threats in terms of harm to health, including psychological health, and the formation of addictive behavior. However, the sphere of attitudes towards AI has been researched insuffi ciently. The purpose of the study is to identify the perception of young people about artifi cial intelligence and attitudes towards it. Conclusions.The study is based on the method of a written questionnaire survey among students of humanitarian and social areas of study. The obtained results allow us to conclude that among young people there is no clear understanding of the diff erences between AI and algorithmic computer programs, the practical skills of using developed well, however, the comprehension, conceptualization of AI among young people remains low. Young people assessing the AI as “useful and dangerous”, while the benefi ts assessed “in general“, its content is diffi cult to refl ect, and “threats“ assessed in terms of popular media discourse and popular literary plots. The study ofrepresentations and relationships allows to create a certain necessary distance of perception and provide a refl ection of the relationship between a person and the IT and AI sphere. Based on the fi ndings, it is possible to plan further studies of human attitudes towards IT and AI.

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