Izvestiya of Saratov University.

Philosophy. Psychology. Pedagogy

ISSN 1819-7671 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1948 (Online)

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Principles of the evolutionary modelling in the research of the development of professional education

Maksimova Elena Alexandrovna, Saratov Socio-Economics Institute of Plekhanov Russian University of Economics

Introduction. Modelling is an important step in the analysis of a complex system functioning. It allows to define how the elements of the system are joined together, how they function; and to plan the directions of their development in the future. Traditionally two types of modelling are used in pedagogical research, verbal and conceptual ones. The former is the verbal expression of the ideas; the latter is their graphical mapping. The present article is an attempt to support the principles of the evolutionary modelling in the research of the development of the system of professional education. Theoretical analysis. Interpretation of the terminology of the classical theory of evolution shows that there are analogues of the biological processes of heredity, selection, and variation in the system of professional education. Clarification of the strategies of evolutionary modelling allows applying its principles to the development of professional education. It is shown that there are possibilities to model variable development of professional education. It is pointed that any element of the system of professional education can become its growing point provided the favorable conditions are created. Some examples of the negative effects of ignoring the principles of evolutionary development are supplied. Conclusion. The conclusion is drawn that common conceptual basis and analogues of the reference notions used in the evolutionary modelling (gen, genotype, phonotype, suitability, mutation, memory, generation) lead to research professional education as a self-organizing system bearing adaptive mechanisms.

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