Izvestiya of Saratov University.

Philosophy. Psychology. Pedagogy

ISSN 1819-7671 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1948 (Online)

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Comparative analysis of the characteristics of social adaptation and the formation of social skills in younger students from socially advantaged families and families “at-risk groups”

Romanova Natalia Mikhailovna, Saratov State University
Chernova Marina Vladimirovna, Murmansk Arctic State University

Introduction. The modern Russian education system is dominated by the attitude to consider non-adaptive aspects of the child’s behavior in the context of the problem. Meanwhile, it can be presented in a different way: in the aspect of insufficient development of certain social skills in a child. It is important to diagnose the presence of these shortcomings and resolve them at primary school age. Of particular relevance is the study of the social skills of children from dysfunctional families and families of the “risk group”. Theoretical analysis. In theoretical terms, the behavioral and psychological problems of younger students are considered in the context of insufficient development of their social skills. Mastering the latter, teaching correct behavior, we regard as a way to resolve the problems that a child has. Empirical analysis. The paper summarizes the results of an empirical study of the characteristics of social adaptation, the structure and level of formation of social skills of younger schoolchildren (N = 65), from families of the “risk group” (M = 8.65 years; N = 31) and children from socially well-off families (M = 9.81 years; N = 34). Social skills were studied using B. Furman’s methodology; features of the child’s socio-psychological adaptation – using the methodology of E. M. Aleksandrovskaya. Conclusion. Statistically significant differences were revealed in terms of indicators of social adaptation (goal-setting, moral and ethical readiness, behavior outside the classroom, relationships with classmates, attitude towards the teacher, emotional well-being) and indicators of the formation of a number of individual social skills of children from families of the “risk group” and children of the control group. The similarity of indicators of general group skills in two groups of younger schoolchildren was found. The applied aspect of the problem under study is related to the possibility of using the results in the development of psychological work programs with younger students.

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