The role of technical in the preservation and reproduction of the living principle in a human
Introduction. The tendency to strengthen the priority of the technical side of life and the activity of a modern person, characterized by increasing complexity and ambiguity in the definition of a human and his world, aggravates the problem of preserving and reproduction of a living principle in a human. A problematic question arises: is a person – a living person – possible in a technical and technologized world in general? Theoretical analysis. The article notes that when solving the indicated problem, the rejection of the technique, the process of technicalization, technical in general are not provided. However, the absolutization of the meaning of the technical in the life and activity of a human is not supposed, when the existence of a person is reduced to the technical. A modern person needs a kind of reorientation – not to be included in the world of technology and techniques, but, on the contrary, to include them in his life in order to remain modernly alive. All the diversity of life at the expense of new techniques is ensured. Conclusion. In relations between the human and the technical, it is proposed to be based on the principles of the eco-humanistic approach (integrity, coordination, consistency and optimality), when favorable development opportunities, the realization of the internal potential of each side are provided.
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