Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1819-7671 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1948 (Online)


The Formation of Multiple Identities in the Digital Environment

This article discusses the development of the digital environment and the sphere of human activity associated with the qualitative transition to new forms of reflection. The author analyzes the formation of digital reality from the point of view of cultural and communication phenomena. The analysis of multiple identity and its interaction with the digital space is presented, actualizing the problems of control, transformation and modification of the identification processes.

Formation Stages of a Dependent Position in a Situation of Disease

The concept of the disease situation can be considered as interdisciplinary because it has both a bodily and social, objective and subjective context. The physical components of the disease form a limitation of the physical and social possibilities of the patient. In the social sense, the disease situation reflects a different degree of a loss of professional status, social roles, in particular, forming the role of a person to be cared for.

Identification Problems of a Woman in Ancient States (the Ancient East and the Antique World)

The article is devoted to the study of the problems and possibilities of identifying a marginalized person using the example of a woman of the ancient state. Stereotypes of patriarchal culture produce the appearance of “security” and limit the development of a personal identity, directing it at socially established roles. Representatives of different schools of thought including existential philosophy and psychology, raising the issues of the authenticity of existence, opposed the pressure of culture and the conditionality of a person in the XIX-XXI centuries.

Behavioral Specifics of Adolescents with Diabetes

The latest studies make emphasis on misadaption of people fighting chronic diseases, consequently allowing for psychology approach to diagnostics, prognosis and therapy of the disease. This article covers the issue of self-awareness development in adolescents with diabetes. This time of a child’s life is characterized with entering whole new social position forming his/her conscientious attitude of the self as a member of the society.

Socio-psychological Consequences and Factors of Modern Globalization

Globalization identifies the significant changes in consciousness of a modern person. Transformation deal with subjective, personal, individual characteristics, and also the basic kinds of human activity – professional activity, learning, and communication. Socio-psychological consequences of globalization are defined in the space-time (territorial and subjectively-temporary identity), socio-cultural and other dimensions.

The Moral Bases of Subject Inter-civilization Dialogue between Russia and China

The article is devoted to a problem of a subject of inter-civilization dialogue between Russia and China. The author proves a methodological and theoretical legitimacy of civilizational approach to solution of the problem of determination of moral grounds of this subject. Based on the indentified methodological positions, he carries out a comparative analysis of value of the spiritual-moral priorities of cultural traditions of Russia and China. It is based on the idea of «person – а moral force», V. S. Solovyov and the ideal of «the noble husband» Confucius.

Idea of «The Other» in riskogenic society

The article is devoted to consideration of a problem of «The Other» in refraction of a social and philosophical view of a place and a role of the person in the conditions of development of the techno-genic civilization creating conditions of transformation of human society in «risk society». The author, noting inevitability of consideration of «The Other», addresses to the analysis of modern philosophical concepts.

Dyad «Identity – alienation» in Marx syntagm: Past and Present

The article deals with current problems of understanding the phenomenon of identity in a dialectical relationship with the phenomenon of alienation in the Western philosophical tradition. Special attention is devoted to the articulation of identity and alienation in a single dyad by Marx. In the context of Marxist ideas, an attempt is made to reveal the content of the «identity–alienation» dyad in relation to the human being in a modern capitalist society. It seems? That in the realities of modern capitalism the process of see-alienation does not pass or anyone.

The Dialectics of Global and Local: the Nation State and the Collective Memory within Globalization

The article discusses the place of nation state phenomenon in an atmosphere of globalization. The object of analysis is the dialectics of global and local; the subject is historical politics regarded as a nation state’s preservation method. 

Rational-Psychological Justification for an Empirical Criterion of «Self» Identity in Transcendental Philosophy by I. Kant

This publication considers I. Kant’s views on self-consciousness, logical «self», and virtual «self», which have rendered their impact on contemporary comprehension of «self» identity in social psychology.
