Formation Stages of a Dependent Position in a Situation of Disease
The concept of the disease situation can be considered as interdisciplinary because it has both a bodily and social, objective and subjective context. The physical components of the disease form a limitation of the physical and social possibilities of the patient. In the social sense, the disease situation reflects a different degree of a loss of professional status, social roles, in particular, forming the role of a person to be cared for. The most significant mechanisms of personal transformation are the intensity of internality and the reflection of the self-determination's sphere. The author shows the ambiguous relationship of the emerging dependent position with the personal mechanisms of the patient with ischemic heart disease. It is emphasized that with the loss of health in connection with ischemic heart disease, patients feel a decreased sense of control over their lives and activities, including professional, and the disabled with ischemic heart disease are alienated from themselves and adapt to new social relationships. For them, this mechanism of social and socio-psychological adaptation is typical and emphasizes the loss of internal support which reduces the personality and is an additional factor of their impairment.
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