Izvestiya of Saratov University.

Philosophy. Psychology. Pedagogy

ISSN 1819-7671 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1948 (Online)

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Idea of «The Other» in riskogenic society

Alebastrova A. A., Saratov State University

The article is devoted to consideration of a problem of «The Other» in refraction of a social and philosophical view of a place and a role of the person in the conditions of development of the techno-genic civilization creating conditions of transformation of human society in «risk society». The author, noting inevitability of consideration of «The Other», addresses to the analysis of modern philosophical concepts. Opening a problem of preservation of human identity in the conditions of increase of aggressive expansion of equipment, the author comes to a conclusion that only creation of model of «The Other», allowing to look at itself eyes of «The Other», is the only opportunity to keep in itself the person in the conditions of construction of the world of a postmodern for mankind.The article is devoted to consideration of a problem of «The Other» in refraction of a social and philosophical view of a place and a role of the person in the conditions of development of the techno-genic civilization creating conditions of transformation of human society in «risk society». The author, noting inevitability of consideration of «The Other», addresses to the analysis of modern philosophical concepts. Opening a problem of preservation of human identity in the conditions of increase of aggressive expansion of equipment, the author comes to a conclusion that only creation of model of «The Other», allowing to look at itself eyes of «The Other», is the only opportunity to keep in itself the person in the conditions of construction of the world of a postmodern for mankind.

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