For citation:
Gogol S. S. Generalized readiness as a socio-psychological attitude . Izvestiya of Saratov University. Philosophy. Psychology. Pedagogy, 2024, vol. 24, iss. 1, pp. 73-78. DOI: 10.18500/1819-7671-2024-24-1-73-78, EDN: FUDPMN
Generalized readiness as a socio-psychological attitude
Introduction. Modern social challenges make it necessary to adapt the individual to rapidly changing conditions. The concept of generalized readiness of the individual is proposed as a socio-psychological construct that contributes to the effectiveness of such adaptation. Theoretical analysis. The article discusses domestic and foreign works describing the phenomenon of readiness, as well as constructs similar in content: vitality, resilience, tolerance to uncertainty. A comparative analysis of these concepts is carried out. The concept of generalized readiness is proposed as an attitude that presupposes a predisposition to certain social behavior and includes cognitive, motivational, emotional-volitional and behavioral components. The necessity of introducing the construct of generalized readiness for a wide range of social situations is substantiated, which represents a personal resource that helps to cope with situations of social challenge, uncertainty and maintain self-efficacy in changing conditions. The main content characteristics of a person’s generalized readiness are described. Conclusion. The analysis made it possible to formulate a definition of generalized readiness as a system of formed attitudes focused on effective life activity in conditions of uncertainty, manifested in a situation of interaction with Others, taking into account existing experience, self-esteem, ideas about one’s own competence and self-efficacy.
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