Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1819-7671 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1948 (Online)



В современном обществе цель обогащения часто занимает бо-
лее приоритетную позицию, чем духовные ценности. Ярким при-
мером утверждения подобного отношения к жизни является цикл 
публикаций и деловых обучающих игр американского финанси-
ста Р. Киосаки, переведённых на русский язык и завоёвывающих 
свою аудиторию. Авторы статьи, опираясь на сюжетно-игровую 
парадигму, исследуют философские положения и практические 
рекомендации Р. Киосаки. Показано, как через высокий профес-

Ecce Homo: Symbolic Implications of the Structure of Senses

The article is devoted to the analyses of integral feelings and senses
of the man in conditions of the present-day social reality. Peculiarities
of psychological and spiritual state and actions of the man as the key
elements of the social experience are described, and symbolic basis
of their relation is revealed. Semantics, character and value intentions
of the status of ardour and possession in the man’s creative aspiration
and his actual efforts are studied. Discussion is conducted with

Homo Ludens 2.0: The Limits of Mythologization in the Digital Space of the Game

The article considers the processes of mythologization in the game space. The author, noting that current mythological processes in fact occur simultaneously with mythmaking, compares the specifics of mythological activities in public life and in the digital space. The systematic approach is used to study the contemporary myth. The analysis of such closely related components of modern social mythology as ritual and game is carried out. The game is considered as one of the mythocontent phenomena of the ritual.

Impact of Media Information on Consciousness and Behaviour of Younger School Students in the Context of Judicial and Psychological Examination

The article is devoted to the analysis of media impact on behavior and consciousness of younger school students. On the one hand, the problem calls for the need of research of the character of media impact on consciousness and behavior of younger school students, and, on the other hand, this issue has been studied insufficiently so far.