Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1819-7671 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1948 (Online)

профессиональные компетенции

4. Методики диагностики качества сформированности проектной компетентности у будущих учителей географии по рефлексивно-оценочному критерию

Введение. Включение в образовательный процесс проектной технологии помогает обучающимся решать образовательные, развивающие и воспитательные задачи. Теоретический анализ. Следуя намеченной цели статьи, автор акцентирует внимание на том, что учитель географии должен непрерывно повышать уровень компетентности посредством добычи знаний, приобретения необходимых умений и навыков, и учиться применять их в профессиональной деятельности. Эмпирический анализ.

Features of the professional competencies formation of future graphic artists

Introduction. There are a number of contradictions in education when the knowledge, skills and abilities obtained at an educational institution do not satisfy the labor market. In general, training in the specialty “Graphic Artist (easel graphics)” can be interesting and useful for those who want to work in the field of art. To be successful in the labor market, it is necessary to develop not only your abilities, but also marketing skills, job promotion and order search.

Model of Professional Readiness Formation of Soon-to-Be Life Safety Teachers in a Pedagogical University

The paper contains the evaluation of the results of the professional readiness formation process in the students of the Pedagogical University with educational program specialization in Life Safety. The procedure included evaluation to what degree they mastered theoretical knowledge and practical skills, as well as the level of development of their pedagogical abilities. Using the technique of professional readiness degree evaluation we estimate the level of respondents’ knowledge and skills by summarizing their marks for the chosen disciplines.

Professional Competences in the Structure of Professionalism of Teachers of the Higher School

The examination of professional competences as characteristics of the activity level of professionalism has allowed allocating three groups competences of teachers of the higher school - individuallypersonal, objectively-activity and socially-communicative. Data of competences have investigated in interrelation with individually-personal properties of teachers depending from the level of their professional success.

The Module-Competence Approach to Training of Cadets of the Higher Military-Vocational Training

The article deals the content of the training in the implementation of the module-competence approach in the educational process of the higher military-vocational training.