Model of Professional Readiness Formation of Soon-to-Be Life Safety Teachers in a Pedagogical University
The paper contains the evaluation of the results of the professional readiness formation process in the students of the Pedagogical University with educational program specialization in Life Safety. The procedure included evaluation to what degree they mastered theoretical knowledge and practical skills, as well as the level of development of their pedagogical abilities. Using the technique of professional readiness degree evaluation we estimate the level of respondents’ knowledge and skills by summarizing their marks for the chosen disciplines. To select the disciplines we applied the expert evaluation method, where the students defined five most important disciplines by rating them. To evaluate their pedagogical abilities we applied the technique called “Pedagogical Situations”. The results showed that additional work focused on the formation of professional readiness in students is needed. For this goal the model of the process of professional readiness formation was developed and offered. It includes motivational, reflexive, functional and evaluative components. The criteria and professional readiness level markers are defined. They include studying activity, readiness to work, attitude to the future profession, interest to pedagogical work, urge to self-improvement.
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