Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1819-7671 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1948 (Online)



Статья  посвящена  анализу  проблемы  сексуальности  и  теле-
сности в философии М. Фуко. Подчеркивается, что артикуляция 
сексуальности связана с артикуляцией субъектности, а воздей-
ствие  на  субъект  осуществляется  репрессивными  телесными 
практиками, такими как семья, школа, церковь. Сексуальность 
как социальный феномен оказывается такой внутренней силой 
субъекта, которая конструируется извне и связана с необходи-
мостью  следить  за  жизнью  человека:  предотвратить  детскую 


Проблема реабилитации и ресоциализации больных хрониче- скими соматическими заболеваниями и инвалидов требует рас- смотрения этого процесса в интегративном контексте различ- ных научных дисциплин: медицины, социологии, социальной и медицинской психологии. Одним из вариантов решения этой задачи является анализ ситуации болезни и личности инвалида с точки зрения представления о маргинальности. В статье рас- смотрена трансформация личностной ресурсности социальных предикторов ситуации болезни больных сахарным диабетом как без инвалидности, так и с ней.

Kinds and Functions of Borders in Psychological Research

In the present article an analysis of borders diverse kinds and functions applied in psychological concepts and paradigms has been carried out. It has been made clear that a comprehension of borders as a self-valuable source for development ousts metaphorical and topological interpretations of the term. It has been alleged that within the context of social psychology it is righteous to discuss intersubject and intersubjective borders of interaction between I and the Other.

Replication of Consumer Socio-Cultural Practices in the Contemporary Society

The article is devoted to the research of consumerism as sociocultural practice. It is shown that consumerism has a feature of autoreplication. Consumer ethic tends to homogenise socio-cultural practices of contemporary men, which leads to the identity crisis and sufficient change of their subjectivity

The Problem of Studying Self-Determination of Personality in the Domestic Psychological Science

The article presents the analysis of the current domestic research of the problem of self-determination of personality. It is shown that the peculiarities of the domestic concept of self-determination is the synthesis of foreign experience and our own developments in the field of motivation, self-regulation and subjectivity. In domestic studies it is shown that adolescence is sensitive in the development of self-determination, but there are not enough studies of its ontogenetic features, revealing basic conditions, mechanisms and prerequisites of development.

The anthropological practice as an impossible possibility

A contemporary man is now more and more recognizing the necessity of the anthropological practice of the art of being himself. The main sphere of the research conducted in social science and the humanities in the second half of the 20th – the beginning of the 21st centuries was dedicated to problematization, apology, assertion and exercises related to practices of the self. The topic of the anthropological practices (social, spiritual, psychological, somatic, and art practices) permeates the works by E. Fromm, L. Binswanger, P. Ricoeur, P. Hadot, M. de Certeau, M.

Socio-psychological Maturity of the Person: Integrative Approach

In the article the criteria of the socio-psychological maturity of personality are analyzed in terms of the socialization/individualization process. The authors consider that the research of the of personality’s maturity according to socially oriented and individually oriented criteria used separately and even used in their connection with each other is ineffective because their integration gives rise to qualitatively new subjective integrative formations.

Modern Approaches in Methodology of Research of Subjective Well-being of the Person

The article deals with the modern methodological approaches to the study of subjective well-being of the person: description of the phenomenon, its regulatory and functional manifestations of a systemic position, structural system, the subject, the subject-existential and meta-system approaches. The hypothetical idea of subjective well-being as a meta-system level of integration of subjective relations: cognitive, emotional, connotative (behavioral) sub-systems, each of which has its own structural organization and content are discussed.

Psychological Readiness of High School Students for Strategic Vital Orientation

Article is devoted to an actual problem of a course of life choice by students of higher education institution. The psychological essence of concept «vital strategy» is specified on the basis of the theoretical analysis of a problem, the attention is focused on the connections between the strategic decisions and the aspiration to vital success.

From the subject to the agent in social and humanitarian discourses of the 21st century

Introduction. The article is focused on the problem of tuning research optics in the directions of vision and understanding a subject, society and the whole world. Since the Age of Enlightenment, the idea of subjectivity has been the foundation for such optics. In the 21st century the place of the subject is claimed by multiple agents that do not have a human nature. Theoretical analysis.