Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1819-7671 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1948 (Online)



В статье рассматривается современный культурогенез в аспек-
те деятельности индивидуального сознания. Особое внимание 
уделяется экзистенциальным истокам культурогенеза как про-
цесса порождения, восприятия и понимания текстов культуры. 
Экзистенциальная  рефлексия,  по  мнению  автора,  является 
необходимым  условием  для  интеллектуальной  деятельности 
человека и в то же время основой для создания текстов культу-
ры. Процесс порождения текста предстает как результат транс-


В  статье  рассматривается  особая  установка  культуры  на  духовное,  отрешенное  от  непосредственной  действительности  и 
утилитарных интересов измерение жизни. Подчеркивается, что именно  формирование  смыслового  пространства  культуры  яв-
ляется основой для возрастания человека в философии, искусстве, религии. Показано, что «чистота» является универсальным 
концептом, раскрывающим человека в культуре в его существенности. Чистота здесь условие и результат свободного поворота 

About Ontology of Meaning

In article the ontologic analysis of a phenomenon of meaning is presented. The meaning is investigated from the point of view of its form of reprezentation in consciousness. It is ascertained nonsensual character of meaning ? the meaning does not possess spatiality, temporariness and qualia. It is shown, that the meaning can be interpreted as «potential» form of being. Fundamental property of meaning also is its unity, internal integrity.

On Hermeneutic Tradition of "Understanding" in the Russian Philosophy and Culture

The article states the problem of hermeneutic tradition research in the Russian culture and philosophy. The ontological analysis of hermeneutic investigations in the Russian classical philosophy is made. The author draws out the methodological constants showing the essence of the hermeneutic tradition in the Russian philosophy.

Formation of Students Subjectivity in the Educational Space of Faculty of Arts

The article discusses the problem of personality of the students in the education space. Raises issues finding of meaning in the process of learning and the formation of subjective stance on training activities.

Interrelation of Values and Characteristics of Self-Determination of Students Capital and Provincial High School

In this article discuss results of empirical research of interrelation values and characteristics of self-determination. It is shown similarity and distinction of valuable, interrelation of values and availability of students capital and provincial high school. Presents results of factorial (bifactorial decision) analysis of mind values system of high school students.

Archetype and the Sense of Culture

This article is dedicated to studying of the correlation of archetype and sense from the point of view of philosophy. The main idea of this article: archetypes can be the psychological basis for the generation of the culture as phenomenon.

Geschick (The Message of Being) as a Constitutive Feature of the Mythical

This article is devoted to the task of identifying the constitutive attribute of the mythical. The study does not concern the phenomenon of the genesis of myth, considering only those features which allow the myth to survive significant changes, deconstruction and evasion, without losing the basis of its essence, where evasion (der Entzug) is one of the most important terms of Heidegger’s philosophy, denoting the ability of a being to manifest itself in an indirect, unnatural way, to impose itself on a representation.

Philosophical expertise of ????????? in the post-truth era

The article discusses the transformation of the world system of the post-truth era, which is affecting the central meanings of culture. The necessity of a philosophical analysis of semantic interventions which are becoming the part of the strategy of conscious construction of reality is substantiated.

Theoretical and Methodological Grounds of Sport Activity Research

Author considers that it is impossible to describe sport activity sufficiently within the approaches used in studying physical culture traditionally. Author suggests a humanitarian view on sport. It means researching in sport and sport activity from a position of sense. The method of studying sport from sense position, analyzing of its value content allows considering the nature of sport more deeply.
