Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1819-7671 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1948 (Online)


Axiological aspect of will in scientific knowledge

Introduction. The article presents the axiological aspect of will as a phenomenon of a person's regulation of his behavior and scientific activity, in particular. The study of the mechanisms of volitional decisions in scientific knowledge is necessary, first of all, because the will is responsible for the formation of goals and the implementation of eff orts to realize them.


В статье рассматривается трансформация системы социальной 
мифологии  под  воздействием  рациональности.  Система  соци-
альной мифологии представлена как совокупность онтологиче-
ской,  гносеологической,  аксиологической  и  праксиологической 
подсистем.  Рациональные  составляющие  с  развитием  науки 
проникают  в  социальную  мифологию,  изменяя  содержание  её 
основных  свойств:  от  распада  синкретизма  в  Античности  до 
возникновения  мифологии  массового  человека  в  XX  в.  Особое 


В  последние  десятилетия  в  работах  российских  философов 
всё чаще делаются ссылки на психологию, которая в своих экс-
периментах  якобы  подтверждает  установки  субъективистской 
эпистемологии, хотя сами психологи не претендовали и не пре-
тендуют на повышение статуса психологии восприятия до уров-
ня  эпистемологии.  Возрождение  субъективизма,  психологиз-
ма, релятивизма и скептицизма в обличии телесного подхода
осознанно  или  неосознанно,  но  неизбежно  ведёт  к  агности-


В статье представлено соотношение истины и интеллектуаль-
ной свободы. В центре анализа находятся специфика свободы 
в контексте эволюции рациональных структур познания, взаи-
мосвязь нормативной коммуникации и свободы, роль разума в 
развитии форм свободы познания. Познание рассматривается 
в контексте решения проблем человеческого бытия в мире, при 
этом раскрывается значение категорий свободы и истины для 
понимания природы субъекта знания; в частности, исследуются 

Phenomenon of Rationality in Culture

The article deals with rationality as theoretical concept and phenomenon and value of culture. Analysis of historical types of rationality in culture is performed. The idea of preservation of renovated rationality in culture is emphasized.

The Idea of Problematic and Eidetic Cognition

In the center of the analysis is the phenomenon of problematicity in the process of evolution of rational structures of cognition, acting as a universal demand that characterizes the cognitive process; the relationship between rational and irrational levels of mastering the world in the form of eidetic cognition. The principle of problematicity is considered in the context of solving problems of scientific activity.

The Existence of Freedom by N. A. Berdyaev and L. I. Shestov: Comparative Analysis

The article deals with the problem of the religious nature of the existential philosophy of N. A. Berdyaev and L. I. Shestov. A comparative analysis of their concepts in relation to the Christian interpretation of freedom has been carried out. It is shown that the concept of freedom can be expressed not only by its own semantic meaning (semantics), but also be reflected in the intuitive experience of existential cognition. Thus, the substantial freedom in the personal perception of N. Berdyaev and L.

The Rational Activity of a Modern Personality and the Meaning of Its “Rationality”

The article is devoted to the analysis of understanding of the meaning of “rationality” of the rational activity by a modern person. According to the author, the achievement of the goal is impossible without solving the problem of studying the epistemological foundations of post-non-classical rationality which dominates the system of civilizational values, since the basis of the meaning of “rationality” always has a certain type of rationality.

Value Factors of Risk Propensity in Military University Cadets at Different Stages of Military-Professional Socialization

The study of the role of values through the prism of the problem of risk and risky behavior in the process of military-professional socialization of cadets is an interesting and important task of social psychology. Adherence to certain basic universal values, the formation of a willingness to take risks for them, or vice versa, their rejection, significantly affect the successful performance of service activities of military personnel, and therefore on society and the state as a whole.

The phenomenology of rational and irrational thinking

This article examines the phenomenological structure of various types of thinking: rational, instrumental, irrational, magical, aesthetic, and ethical. The modalities of consciousness that determine the development of a particular way of thinking, as well as the conditions and forms of their disclosure in different social and cultural conditions of social reproduction are revealed. The author shows the significance and direction of development of the phenomenology of irrational thinking in the context of modern socio-political realities of Russia.
