Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1819-7671 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1948 (Online)


Industry 5.0 as a triumph of posthumanism: From Homo Sapiens to Homo Digitalis

Introduction. The article is devoted to the problem of transformation of a man into a post-human due to the emergence of the fifth industrial revolution. The digitalization processes inherent in industry 4.0 have become so firmly entrenched in human everyday life that they change it from the inside. Interaction with artificial intelligence and cobots creates a post-human future, and implantation of a chip in the brain creates a post-human. Theoretical analysis.

Digital identity as a condition of human existence in a digital society

Introduction. The article is devoted to the problem of digital identity. The development of the information society and digitalization processes poses to each Internet user the challenge of matching the digital profile to its real owner. There is often a big difference between a real person and his digital avatars, which leads not only to confusion and ambiguous perception of the narrator and the author by the other, but also to depersonalization of the author. Theoretical analysis.

Risk-generating Aspect of Education and Sociocultural Potential of the Society in the Context of Digitalization

The object of the authors’ research is the modern society, in which digitalization initiates the endless change of situations derived from the development of the information technology environment. Digitalization is transforming systemic social processes, local practices, and such a strategically important area as education, which is most sensitive to a state of uncertainty. Since uncertainty causes existential risks, the need for an anthropological approach to the analysis of everyday life arises in the study of the risk-generating aspect of education.

V. A. Kutyrev’s Phenomenological Substantialism Program

The reader is presented with the manifesto of the phenomenological substantialism of the Nizhny Novgorod philosopher V. A. Kutyrev, published in the form of his new monograph. The departure to machine and digital immortality is criticized by the Volga thinker as yet another seduction of a technocratic civilization, digital self-deception. Kutyrev Vladimir Aleksandrovich is known as a social philosopher, a leftist conservative, a supporter of controlled progress. His papers and books are an event for the Russian intellectual life.

Changes of changes: Sociality and the lack of protection

 Despite the fact that social changes are often proclaimed as a combination of positive development prospects, in practice they will not necessarily lead to positive results for everyone and in general. The sociological, ontological and cultural essence of modern changes in the mode of unreliability and redundancy of security systems is revealed. The horizon of understanding the problem in the mode of transition to a new technological order, which requires individual adaptation of people to a risk-generating environment, to a society without guarantees, is proposed.

Posthumanism and the problem of immortality: Socio-philosophical analysis

The article is devoted to the analysis of the problem of immortality in the context of the philosophy of posthumanism. The problem of immortality has always worried humanity. In fairy tales and myths, religious systems and scientific research, it occupies a central place, which relates to the natural desire of a person to live forever. In the philosophy of posthumanism, this problem acquires new meanings, moving from a purely speculative metaphysical field to the sphere of practice.

Philosophy and philosophers in times of global changes Book review: Alexander N. Chumakov. The way to philosophy. Works of diff erent years. Moscow, Prospect Publ., 2021. 608 p.

The article is devoted to the book of a famous philosopher, science organizer and globalistics theoretician Alexander N. Chumakov. In Chumakov’s eyes the globalization is the objective historical process, characterized by the universalization of the connections and relations, the constitution of the unifi ed structure of diff erent spheres of social life on the world scale. Being simultaneously a part of the formation of the world society, globalization is followed by the whole bunch of contradictions on the global, regional and local levels.

Information and communication technologies in the context of modern development of society

Introduction. Constant use of technical devices in everyday life increases the risks of occurrence and realization of communication strategies of behavior that have a negative impact on human relations with the outside world, and it affects the ability to perceive information, the formation of interpersonal communication skills, and the ability of conflict-free interaction in offline format.

From humanism to post-humanism: Transformation of ideas of a man in philosophical thought

Introduction. The article is devoted to the analysis of ideas about a human in modern philosophical movements of transhumanism and posthumanism. Once the highest value and the king of nature, the man-creator and the ruler of the world has turned into a many-sided and sexless creature that has lost passionarity and claims to leadership. Theoretical analysis.

The network society and the institute of education: A dimension of socio-philosophical understanding

Introduction. The issue of the article is devoted to the study of the institution of education in the network society from the standpoint of socio-philosophical analysis. Theoretical analysis. Using various methodological approaches, it was found out that the modern institute of education undergoes serious transformations on institutional, spatial and functional levels.