Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1819-7671 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1948 (Online)


Changing aesthetic ideals under the influence of the phenomenon of the cult of youth in the 1920s

Introduction. The principle of aesthetic transformation affects not only the functioning of fashion, but also a range of problems related to the worldview and world perception of a person, which are relevant for any time. Aesthetic problems have a deeper foundation than the change of images of vestimentary fashion, and lie in the sphere of social and cultural life of society. Theoretical analysis.

The correlation between freedom and violence as one of the fundamental problems of thinking

Introduction Themain topic of this article is the method of solving a fundamental problem of the relationship between a man and the world. The author proposes to accept the concepts of violence and freedom as such horizons of relations, because these concepts can be understood as main plots of human conscious life. They also may be the sides of the dialectical confrontation. The present study uses the onto-hermeneutic method combined with a historico-philosophical analysis.


Статья посвящена анализу соотношений свободы и необходи-
мости, возможности и действительности, выбора и отбора, сво-
боды и ответственности. Определяются основные закономер-
ности  (тенденции),  управляющие  социальными  процессами, 
в рамках которых проявляется свобода, а именно механизмы 
отбора и суперотбора. Описываются эссенциология, феноме-
нология и аксиология свободы. Определяется понятие свободы 
в социуме, которая реализуется лишь в условиях суперотбора 


В статье представлено соотношение истины и интеллектуаль-
ной свободы. В центре анализа находятся специфика свободы 
в контексте эволюции рациональных структур познания, взаи-
мосвязь нормативной коммуникации и свободы, роль разума в 
развитии форм свободы познания. Познание рассматривается 
в контексте решения проблем человеческого бытия в мире, при 
этом раскрывается значение категорий свободы и истины для 
понимания природы субъекта знания; в частности, исследуются 

Philosophical Perception of Ideology in Contemporary Society

This article’s objective is to comprehend which place ideology takes in the liberal capitalistic society. Ideology plays the role of the social organization and social self-organization mechanism which has been historically established. The author descripts its essence, substance and social functions along with cognizing the notion of an individual freedom. Liberal capitalistic ideology is characterized with a tendency to freedom and free enterprise according to mass media.

The Problem of Freedom as the Known Accidental in the Framework of Regularities: Synergetic Analysis

Freedom in synergetics meaning was defined as a specific analogue of accidental, as a factor changing the ratio of evolutionary capabilities of the system. Freedom emerges only under the super- selection’s conditions that is under the control of the subject over the variety of forms of selection and ultimately over the course of social evolution. The problem of the article partly reduces to the position that causes the debates about the freedom on the issue of known accidental.

To a Problem of a Parity of True and Creativity in a Context of Freedom

In  this  article  is  investigated  the  problem  of  a  parity  of  true  and  creativity.  It  is  shown,  that  interpretation  of  true  depends  on  character  of  understanding  and  realization  of  a  principle  of  freedom  which  mastering  is  a  necessary  condition  of  development  of  creative  potential  at  the  person. 

She-Truth: The Experience of Female Gnoseologization

The article is an attempt to reconceive gnoseological symbol «She- Truth». She-Truth does not tempt philosophical mind, does not deprive it of Its creativity. She-Truth emancipates philosophical mind, gives it creative impetus and protects philosophers personality.

Freedom of Human Being in Russian Religious Philosophy

The article is devoted to the principle of freedom as the guiding principle of Russian religious philosophy.

Risk and Life-space of Person

Article is devoted to analysis of risk, life-space of the person and researching of correlation among the concept of risk and the concept of life-space of the person. Author argues that the person is a valuable subject, manifesting itself in a space-time continuum. Person is initially free and open and designs itself in creative act. Risk offers as potentially failed event. Consequently, risk becomes basic characteristic of the person. That shows person’s openness and ability to self-designing.
