Izvestiya of Saratov University.

Philosophy. Psychology. Pedagogy

ISSN 1819-7671 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1948 (Online)

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Philosophical Perception of Ideology in Contemporary Society

Kapustin Dmitry F., Saratov State University

This article’s objective is to comprehend which place ideology takes in the liberal capitalistic society. Ideology plays the role of the social organization and social self-organization mechanism which has been historically established. The author descripts its essence, substance and social functions along with cognizing the notion of an individual freedom. Liberal capitalistic ideology is characterized with a tendency to freedom and free enterprise according to mass media. But we consider it as a violence and human and nature exploitation generator due to its determination to gaining profit. In this paper we also reveal the phenomenon of publicity which is the main agent to popularize contemporary liberal capitalistic values.


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Образец для цитирования:
Капустин Д. Ф. Философское осмысление идеологии в современном обществе // Изв. Сарат. ун-та. Нов. сер. 
Сер. Философия. Психология. Педагогика. 2017. Т. 17, вып. 1. С. 18–22. DOI: 10.18500/1819-7671-2017-17-1-19-22.