Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1819-7671 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1948 (Online)

организационная культура


В статье приведены результаты анализа концептов «субкульту-
ра» и «оргкультура», а также исследования медиакультуры как 
аспекта  оргкультуры,  что  помогло  сделать  модифицирование 
методики  ордерной  диагностики.  Модификация  заключалась 
в следующем: была добавлена позиция оценки составляющих 
оргкультуры, представленных в медиапространстве организа-
ции, и последующая оценка ее соответствия существующему и 
желательному состояниям оргкультуры. Для получения резуль-

Correlation of Basic Structures of Literary Genres and Social Interaction Within the Framework of the Order Approach to the Social-Psychological Research of Organizational Culture

According to the comparative analysis of the order approach theoretical models and theory of anthropological dominants, the article presents and proves correlation (symmetry) between basic structures of three literary genres (epos, drama, lyrics) and three suborders («family», «army», «church»). There is a theoretical analysis of correlation between basic structures and content characteristics of literary genres and order models of social (managerial) interaсtion.

Comparative Diagnostics of Organizational Culture: Level of Top Management

In this article an experience of the results of comparative analysis of order diagnostics of organization culture at the level of top management is provided. In the considered case the data obtained in a work progress with the leader of organization and the official following the leader in system of organizational hierarchy are compared.

Methods of Managerial Team Sotering: Soteriogical Game «The Way of Hero» (Case Analysis)

This article presents experience of design, arrange and discussion of the soteriogical game «Way of Hero» as an element of the order training. The soteriogical game is one of the methods that is included into the order technology of organizational culture change. This case demonstrates potential for use of this method for diagnostics and change of ethic and semantic system of management team.


В статье анализируются проблема этико-смысловых систем мировых религий и различия между ними. Проводится их срав- нительный анализ на основе ордерного подхода: изучается от- ношение христианства, ислама, иудаизма, индуизма, буддизма и конфуцианства к смысловым диадам «жизнь–смерть», «от- ветственность–безответственность». Основное сходство диа- ды «жизнь–смерть» заключается в призыве не бояться смерти, а различия – в представлениях о загробной жизни человека и причине выбора праведной жизни.

Methods of Order Diagnostic of Organizational Culture

The author's technique of socially-psychological diagnostics of the organizational culture, developed on the basis of the order concept of organizational culture is presented. The general descriptions of a technique, forms of questionnaires are given. The way of use of
questionnaires for diagnostics of organizational culture is shown.

The Correlation of Emotional Intelligence Qualities and Management Effectiveness

This article tells about researches of the emotional intelligence qualities of the leaders of the organizations, that took place in 2009.The examples of the foreign test measuring emotional intelligence adaptation for the Russian culture are discussed. The conclusions of the research are formulated. The main conclusion is the discovery of the connection of emotional intelligence qualities and management effectiveness for Russian culture.

Organizational Culture of Educational Establishment in a Context of Representations about Innovation and Development Strategy

In article the data of empirical research of organizational culture of college are cited. An opportunities of transformation of organizational culture of college in a context of modernization of educational system are analyzed. The problems of diagnostics of organizational culture of college are discussed. The assumption of dependence of subjective interpretation of organizational culture’s current condition and organizational development strategy and representations of innovation strategy of the organization is proved.

Order Diagnostics of Organizitional Culture: Level of Managerial Team

The article introduces a new method for order diagnosis of organizational culture at the level of the management team. The method allows to assess the state of the organization’s management system as an integral part of the organizational and cultural system. The method is based on the management system model developed by O. S. Vikhansky and AI. Naumov. The model identifies three subsystems that are diagnosed using questionnaires in the selfassessment mode by members of the management team.
