Izvestiya of Saratov University.

Philosophy. Psychology. Pedagogy

ISSN 1819-7671 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1948 (Online)

For citation:

Aksenovskaya L. N. The aesthetic ideal of the attitude towards another person in the structure of spirituality of S. L. Frank. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Philosophy. Psychology. Pedagogy, 2024, vol. 24, iss. 4, pp. 406-413. DOI: 10.18500/1819-7671-2024-24-4-406-413, EDN: NEVZTJ

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The aesthetic ideal of the attitude towards another person in the structure of spirituality of S. L. Frank

Aksenovskaya Liudmila N., Saratov State University

Introduction. The article presents a socio-psychological (order) approach to the study of the aesthetic aspect of spirituality. In accordance with the ideas of S.L. Frank about the four-aspect nature of the phenomenon of spirituality, a verbal socio-psychological model of the aesthetic ideal of attitude towards another person is constructed, on the basis of which a survey technique (questionnaire) is developed to study the ideas about the aesthetic ideal of attitude towards another person among respondents of different ages. Theoretical analysis. A brief overview of the history of the formation of aesthetics as an independent science is provided, its definitions of the main categories of aesthetics (beautiful, beauty) are given, its connections with scientific psychology are shown both at the level of historical precedents for the development of psychological aesthetic concepts and at the level of the conceptual apparatus (aesthetic consciousness, aesthetic perception, aesthetic attitude, aesthetic values, aesthetic ideal). In the presented theoretical model of the aesthetic ideal of attitude to another person, the model-forming parameter is attitude. The structure of the model includes six main parameters: 1) supports people in awkward situations; 2) notices the bright sides of other people and knows how to emphasize them in communication with third parties; 3) thinks of other people with sympathy; 4) strives to bring harmony and peace into relationships with people; 5) captivates other people with their creative interests; 6) is spiritual (appreciates the beautiful in nature, art, people, and objects in the environment). Empirical analysis (design of a study method). The methodology for studying the aesthetic ideal of attitude towards another person is developed on the basis of the previously described parametric model. This survey methodology is a combined questionnaire with open and closed questions. The purpose of open questions is to clarify respondents’ subjective ideas about the beautiful in attitude towards other people by providing visual examples of the manifestation of these qualities in human interaction. Conclusion. The completed development of a theoretical parametric model of the aesthetic ideal of attitude towards another person and the methodology for studying this phenomenon based on it opens up the possibility of proceeding to the empirical part of the study of the aesthetic aspect of spirituality.

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