Intellectual Plasticity within the Integral Individuality Structure in Students with Different Levels of General Self-Efficacy
This paper presents the results of the empirical study of the relationship
between intellectual plasticity as temperamental property
and inter-level parameters in the structure of integral individuality,
depending on the level of general self-efficacy which students
demonstrate studying at universities. It is found out that intellectual
plasticity as property of individuality determines the differences in
displaying the set of inter-level relationships in the structure of individuality.
Intellectual plasticity also defines the nature of individual
strategies for self-realization depending on the level of self-efficacy.
Given these peculiarities of interaction between individual and
personal properties in the structure of the individuality it is possible
to define the contribution of biologically and socially determined
personal traits that contribute to successful self-actualization of a
personality irrespective of formed cognitive attitude.
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