Izvestiya of Saratov University.

Philosophy. Psychology. Pedagogy

ISSN 1819-7671 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1948 (Online)

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Ethnopsychological Peculiaraty of the Relationships of Subjective Well-being and Personal Self-regulation

Bocharova Elena Evgenyevna, Saratov State University

The article presents theoretical and empirical study of relationships
of subjective well-being and personal self-regulation of representatives
different ethnogroups are presented. Empirical research is
executed to in proportion the picked-up selection of student’s youth
(Saratov), ranking themselves as the Russian and Tatar ethnos
(n = 60, female and male; 18–20 years old) with use of psychodiagnostic
tools: «Types of ethnic identity» (G. U. Soldatova,
S. V. Ryzhova), V. I. Morosanova’s questionnaire «Style of selfcontrol
of behavior and activity» (SSPM), «The scale of subjective
well-being» (M. V. So kolova), methods of comparative and correlation
analyses. It is established that the subjective well-being in
an ethnic Russian in due to the alignment of priorities in relations
with significant others, regardless of their ethnic commitment to the
implementation of the design strategies of social mobility, plasticity. In
a sample of Tatars observed rational consistency succession planning
with anticipation of the expected results and demonstrated ability to
quickly navigate the changing landscape that serves as a mechanism
of maintaining the subjective well-being in the field of ethnic.


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