Izvestiya of Saratov University.

Philosophy. Psychology. Pedagogy

ISSN 1819-7671 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1948 (Online)

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Expert Research of Tolerance of Senior Pupils to Different Social and Age-related Categories

Yasvin Vitold A., Moscow City University

Authorial methodology of expert research of tolerance is presented as subjective attitude toward «another», including scales «Collaboration» (active acceptance), «Liking» (passive acceptance), «Tolerance» (passive non-acceptance) and «Aggression» (active non-acceptance). Every scale includes emotional, cognitive, practical and active components. «Another» is examined as totality of appearance, behavior, culture and ideology. These empiric researches of relation of senior pupils are presented to more junior schoolchildren, to the teachers, to the parents and senior people, to the norms and limitations of behavior, to the people of other nationalities and religious persuasions, to the persons of opposite sex, to the asocial groups of population, to the criminals, to visitors, to the invalids, and also to the supporters of unconventional art. Key words: examination, tolerance, subjective relation, senior pupils, research methodology, age-related groups.


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