Separation Status and Experience as Factors of Cognitive Assessment of Separation Situation with Parents in the Student Age
This article presents the analysis of cognitive component of separation situation from parents by the medical students. The special semantic differential was used to assess the situation of separation by the parental family. The comparative analysis of the cognitive assessments by different separation status (this is a fact of separate inhabitancy) and separation standing (this is a time of separate inhabitancy) groups of students (N = 687) showed differences in such features like stressful, competitive spirit and equality of participants’ positions. The comparison was made between the four groups: younger with preseparaional status (19,3 year old), elder with preseparational status (21,8 year old), younger postseparational status (15-mounth separation standing), elder postseparational status (15-mounth separation standing). The greatest equality in relationships with other people was predicted by the elder students who live with their parents. Younger students who have a postseparational status evaluated the situation of separation like a more stressful situation. Younger students who live with their parents predicted the stronger competitive spirit than other groups. Elder students, who live on their own for a long time, were more moderate in assessments of the situation. The results showing characteristics of separation situation, which can be treated as a crisis event in adolescent life and as a psychological resource
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