Izvestiya of Saratov University.

Philosophy. Psychology. Pedagogy

ISSN 1819-7671 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1948 (Online)

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Pedagogical Model of Process of Formation Social and Personal Viability

Naumenko Yuri Vladimirovich, Volgograd State Academy of Physical Culture
Paatova Maria Eduardovna, Adygya State University

In article development of the author’s concept of design of the general education focused on formation at students of health as a welfare phenomenon (Yu. V. Naumenko is offered). In particular, the concept of ability to happy life due to specification of contents, structure and levels of manifestation of personal ability to happy life taking into account combination of welfare requirements and individual desires develops. The author’s pedagogical model reveals (M. E. Paatova) process of formation of personal ability to happy life taking into account combination of welfare requirements and individual desires on the basis of consecutive presentation of specially organized educational situations necessary for social resettlement and restoration of socially important personal qualities. The system of the principles of design of contents and the organization of such educational situations is described. Laws of application of the developed model in real student teaching are formulated. The author’s pedagogical model of process of formation of personal ability to happy life taking into account combination of welfare requirements and individual desires was successfully realized in relation to teenagers with deviant behavior in special teaching and educational facilities of the closed type and at mass comprehensive school in educational work with ordinary school students. The material presented in article can form the basis for theoretical researches on formation of personal ability to happy life taking into account combination of welfare requirements and individual desires at children and teenagers, and also for development in educational practice of educational systems. The author’s pedagogical model of process of formation of personal ability to happy life taking into account combination of welfare requirements and individual desires can serve as a methodological reference point for implementation of the requirement of Federal state educational standards of the general education at design of the program of spiritual and moral development, socialization and education of students in elementary and main school.


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