Izvestiya of Saratov University.

Philosophy. Psychology. Pedagogy

ISSN 1819-7671 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1948 (Online)

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Tutoring: on the Way to «Disciplined Imagination»

Feller Victor Valentinovich, Engels Industrial and Economic College

The article is devoted to the strategic vision creation and its perfecting in the process of tutoring. Synergy of the scenario methods and the cluster theory are essential to it that helps to reveal the dynamic structure of the open educational space. In this sense the concepts of «collective identity» of Arie de Geus and the cluster theory of Michael Porter are used. In the article the work about vision in the concept of «memory of the future» of David Ingvar and «scenario planning» of Herman Kahn are also explained. In conclusion it is shown as through roleplaying of «the history of the future», and connecting it with real life situations, our imagination becomes more accurate, systematic and efficient. It is that opens new possibilities for mutual understanding between tutor and students. Thus, while working on vision and prevision, any leader, no matter if it is a company executive, a businessman or a tutor committing himself to the role of an accelerator of the cluster development, comes to the embracing of broader and more hierarchical organization of the culture field. That tells about the openness of the educational space. Moreover, the dynamic character it is that becomes a necessary requirement for this openness. You must not stop here.


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