Izvestiya of Saratov University.

Philosophy. Psychology. Pedagogy

ISSN 1819-7671 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1948 (Online)

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The Importance of Continuing Professional Training in the Context of «Ultramobility» of Education


The article examines the value of the subject of continuous training in contemporary education, requiring modern specialist high mobility and educational mobility. A comparative analysis of teachers of different age groups and causes of difficulties of realization of new educational models. Disclosed the goals and objectives of additional professional education of teachers. An attempt to reveal a particular value of continuing education as an instrument of filling the gaps in «literacy» teachers, including communication, contributing to a stream of ideas and regulations imposed by the Ministry of education. Analyzed conditions of successful realization of the educational process, using modern methods and technologies of education, and the reasons of professional difficulties of teachers. Describes how to implement the ideas and regulations imposed by the Ministry of education in the context of «ultramobility» education. The conclusions about the importance of additional professional education of teachers in the conditions of intensive reform of the educational system, including the system of higher professional education. Defines the purpose of successful implementation of the educational process of additional professional education through the training of qualified, competent worker, fluent in the knowledge and skills in their professional work and ready for continuous self-education and professional growth.


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