The mission of Children’s Library in the Information Society
The article is devoted to the peculiarities of spiritual and moral education in the modern children’s library. This direction of educational work is connected with the main mission of libraries – familiarizing users with reading. According to the formulation of the Russian Library Association (RBA), the main purpose of this category of libraries is the formation and satisfaction of the needs of children in intellectual and spiritual growth, self-knowledge and self-education; Encouraging children to read, to the world and national culture; Propaganda of the value of reading and books; Promoting the integration of children in the socio-cultural environment. It is in children’s libraries that the child’s (adolescent) development environment should be created through book, spiritual culture as an important part of the universal culture. Modernization of children’s libraries is connected with the idea of humanizing electronic resources for young users of libraries, ensuring maximum security for the younger generation of the Internet. The network of children’s and children’s and youthful libraries in modern Russia is going through crisis times: optimization is under way, «virtualization» negatively affects the attendance of children by libraries. Especially in the information society, the spiritual and sociocultural mission of children›s libraries, which are looking for new forms and methods of attracting to reading, is actualized in the information society.
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