Self-up of ICT Technologies as Means of Formation at the Future Bachelors Physical Education Professional Stability
The article is devoted to the problem of formation of professional stability of bachelors of physical culture through self-educational activity using information and communication technologies. To achieve the goal, the following tasks are solved: 1) activation of the learning process, involving students in research activities through the use of a personal computer that is a means of accessing information networks; 2) development of students’ thinking, motivation for learning, self-training skills using personal computer software, which allows students to independently learn various ways of working with texts, graphics, tabular data, etc. using information technologies; 3) providing students with independent design of the material for a particular lesson and space for creativity through an independent combination of universal office applications and ICT tools. According to the results of the study, it is established that the effectiveness of the formation of the professional stability of bachelors of physical culture is ensured by their inclusion in the process of self-education, which makes it possible to successfully solve a number of important educational tasks, namely: to teach them to orient themselves in a large amount of information, to think and act creatively, Independent solutions, which, according to our observations, characterizes their professional stability
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