Izvestiya of Saratov University.

Philosophy. Psychology. Pedagogy

ISSN 1819-7671 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1948 (Online)

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Foundation of Eucharistic Metaphysics in “Christ in the world” by S. Bulgakov

Darensky Vitaly Y., Far Eastern Federal University

The article considers the ontological significance of the Eucharistic theology by S. Bulgakov, as it is presented in his works «Christ in the world» (1940). The author considers some prerequisites for development of this type of ontology in the framework of biblical Revelation about the creation of the world. The obstacles to building an adequate ontology of creation and incarnation in the traditional European metaphysics, since the latter is based on platono-Aristotelian model of the Cosmos is self-sufficient. This work of S. N. Bulgakov is considered in the context of the ontological «turn» (M. Heidegger) in philosophy of the twentieth century as the most radical variant of implementation of this paradigm. Philosophical step by S. N. Bulgakov was to think of Christ “in” the world – that is, not only as an event of the Epiphany, once happened in the History of this world and therefore uniquely special-but also as a special ontology of the most created being, defining the very possibility of such an Event. The author’s conclusion is that in the modern Christian philosophy, the implementation of this ontological “turn” is possible in the framework of General paradigm of neopatristic, taking into account the categorical apparatus of philosophy of New time. The fundamental principle of the Eucharistic ontology made by S. N. Bulgakov, is seen as a radical renewal of philosophical discourse.


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